#include "DHTesp.h" #include <LeifESPBaseHomie.h> // *** Don't forget to add your MQTT credentials to LeifESPBaseHomie\environment_setup.h. See environment_setup.h.example for details. *** // *** Don't forget to add your WiFi SSID/Key to LeifESPBase\environment_setup.h See environment_setup.h.example for details. *** //The code keeps track of whether it's running on a production unit //(let's say inside a ceiling-mounted box, inconvenient to get to) //or a development board on your bench, by way of checking the MAC address. //This reduces confusion while bench-testing new code before OTA upload to the production unit. //The bDeployedUnit flag is set at the beginning of the setup() function below. bool bDeployedUnit = false; const char *GetHostName() //this host name will reported to for example mDNS, telnet { if (bDeployedUnit) { return "sensor@room"; } return "sensor@roomdev"; } const char *GetHeadingText() //friendly system name, used for example for the HTTP page { if (bDeployedUnit) { return "sensor@room"; } else { return "sensor@roomdev"; } } // We'll need a place to save pointers to our created properties so that we can access them after creation. // HomieProperty * pPropLedInvert=NULL; // HomieProperty * pPropQuote=NULL; // HomieProperty * pPropColor=NULL; // HomieProperty * pPropBacklight=NULL; // HomieProperty * pPropSpeed=NULL; HomieProperty *pPropTemperature = NULL; HomieProperty *pPropHumidity = NULL; HomieProperty *pPropBrightness = NULL; HomieProperty *pPropHumanDetection = NULL; DHTesp dht; //this function will be called by all the URL handlers. //I truly suck at webdesign. You can do better. void genHtmlPage(String &output, const String &strInsert) { output.reserve(2048); output.concat("<!DOCTYPE html>"); output.concat("<html><head><style>table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}th, td { padding: 5px;}</style></head>"); output.concat("<body>"); output.concat("<h2>"); output.concat(GetHeadingText()); output.concat("</h2>"); LeifHtmlMainPageCommonHeader(output); output.concat("<table><tr>"); output.concat("<td><a href=\"/\">Reload</a></td>"); output.concat("<td><a href=\"/ping\">Minimal test page</a></td>"); output.concat("<td><a href=\"/sysinfo\">System Info</a></td>"); output.concat("<td><a href=\"/invert\">Invert status LED</a></td>"); output.concat("</tr></table>"); output.concat(strInsert); output.concat("</body></html>"); } void handleRoot() { String strInsert; String strPage; genHtmlPage(strPage, strInsert); server.send(200, "text/html", strPage); } void handleNotFound() { String message = "File Not Found\n\n"; message += "URI: "; message += server.uri(); message += "\nMethod: "; message += (server.method() == HTTP_GET) ? "GET" : "POST"; message += "\nArguments: "; message += server.args(); message += "\n"; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { message += " " + server.argName(i) + ": " + server.arg(i) + "\n"; } server.send(404, "text/plain", message); } void setup() { //MAC address of your deployed (production) unit if (WiFi.macAddress() == "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX") bDeployedUnit = true; //The LED is used for status indication. Flashes twice a second while connecting WiFi. //Flashes once every two seconds when connected. //By default, LED_BUILTIN is used for status output. 2 Hz flashing while connecting to WiFi, 0.5 Hz when connected. //You can use any pin by calling the LedSetStatusLedPin(x) function like below. -1 disables output altogether. //LeifSetStatusLedPin(-1); //No status LED output //LeifSetStatusLedPin(1); //ESP-01 on-board LED. This is actually the serial port so it will disable serial console output! LeifSetupBegin(); //starts initialization of the HTTP server and other objects. //Set your serial console to 115200 bps to see console output. The console will print the IP address and many other things. //Once you know the IP address you can connect to port 23 with a telnet client like PuTTY to see console output. //You'll need to enable the "Implicit CR option in every LF" on the Terminal Page in PuTTY. LeifUpdateCompileTime(); //Macro to capture __DATE__ and __TIME__ while compiling main sketch. //This way compile time as displayed by the main HTTP page will accurately reflect //sketch compile time, as opposed to library LeifESPBase compile time. server.onNotFound(handleNotFound); //serve 404 server.on("/", handleRoot); //serve root page, defined above. //define your own URL handlers here. // server.on("/invert", handleInvert); //invert the LED flashing pattern. LeifHomieSetupDefaults(); { HomieNode *pNode = homie.NewNode(); //We don't really need a hierarchy, but we must have at least one node -- so I'm going to call it properties. pNode->strID = "properties"; pNode->strFriendlyName = "Properties"; HomieProperty *pProp = NULL; // This parameter is fully functional. It controls whether the status LED is normally on or normally off. // It publishes its initial state (normally on = false) if there's no retained value, otherwise it uses the retained value. p // temperature/humidity sensor pPropTemperature = pProp = pNode->NewProperty(); pProp->strFriendlyName = "Temperature"; pProp->strID = "temperature"; pProp->strUnit = "degree"; pProp->bRetained = true; pProp->bSettable = false; pProp->datatype = homieFloat; pProp->SetValue("21.0"); // default value? // pProp->AddCallback([](HomieProperty * pSource) // { //this lambda function gets called when we receive a message on this property's topic. // // LeifSetInvertLedBlink(pSource->GetValue()=="true"); //controls whether the LED is normally off or normally on. // }); pPropHumidity = pProp = pNode->NewProperty(); pProp->strFriendlyName = "Humidity"; pProp->strID = "humidity"; pProp->strUnit = "%"; pProp->bRetained = true; pProp->bSettable = false; pProp->datatype = homieFloat; pProp->SetValue("50.0"); // default value? // pProp->AddCallback([](HomieProperty * pSource) // { //this lambda function gets called when we receive a message on this property's topic. // // LeifSetInvertLedBlink(pSource->GetValue()=="true"); //controls whether the LED is normally off or normally on. // }); pPropBrightness = pProp = pNode->NewProperty(); pProp->strFriendlyName = "Brightness"; pProp->strID = "brightness"; pProp->strUnit = ""; pProp->bRetained = true; pProp->bSettable = false; pProp->datatype = homieInt; pProp->SetValue("50"); // default value? // pProp->AddCallback([](HomieProperty * pSource) // { //this lambda function gets called when we receive a message on this property's topic. // // LeifSetInvertLedBlink(pSource->GetValue()=="true"); //controls whether the LED is normally off or normally on. // }); pPropHumanDetection = pProp = pNode->NewProperty(); pProp->strFriendlyName = "HumanDetection"; pProp->strID = "humandetection"; pProp->strUnit = ""; pProp->bRetained = true; pProp->bSettable = false; pProp->datatype = homieBool; pProp->SetBool(true); // default value? // pProp->AddCallback([](HomieProperty * pSource) // { //this lambda function gets called when we receive a message on this property's topic. // // LeifSetInvertLedBlink(pSource->GetValue()=="true"); //controls whether the LED is normally off or normally on. // }); // pProp->datatype=homieEnum; // pProp->strFormat="OFF,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH"; // pProp->datatype=homieString; // pProp->bPublishEmptyString=false; // pProp->strFormat="0:1"; // pProp->SetValue("0.5"); //default value } homie.Init(); LeifSetupEnd(); //finishes initialization of the HTTP server and other objects // setup DHT11 dht.setup(16, DHTesp::DHT11); // Connect DHT sensor to GPIO 16 pinMode(5, INPUT); } void updateSensorValues() { char tempChar[10]; char humidChar[10]; char brightChar[10]; delay(dht.getMinimumSamplingPeriod()); float temperature = dht.getTemperature(); sprintf(tempChar, "%4.1f", temperature); pPropTemperature->SetValue(tempChar); float humidity = dht.getHumidity(); sprintf(humidChar, "%5.1f", humidity); pPropHumidity->SetValue(humidChar); Serial.print(dht.getStatusString()); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(humidity, 1); Serial.print("\t\t"); Serial.print(temperature, 1); Serial.println("."); int value = analogRead(A0); sprintf(brightChar, "%3d", value); pPropBrightness->SetValue(brightChar); Serial.print("Light Sensor : "); Serial.println(value); bool bValue = digitalRead(5); pPropHumanDetection->SetBool(bValue); Serial.print("Human Sensor : "); Serial.println(bValue); Serial.println("updated with using sensor value"); return; } void loop() { LeifLoop(); homie.Loop(); //Automatically reboot if we're unable to ping the gateway for 5 minutes. ESP8266 only for now! //LeifGatewayKeepalive(); //uncomment if desired if (Interval100()) { //True once every 100ms. Just for convenience. } if (Interval250()) { //True once every 250ms. Just for convenience. } if (Interval1000()) { //True once every second. Just for convenience. } if (Interval10s()) { // update temperature/humidity/brightness/human //True once every second. Just for convenience. updateSensorValues(); } if (Interval1000() && (seconds() % 60) == 0) //once a minute { String strUptime; LeifUptimeString(strUptime); String strUptimeWiFi; LeifSecondsToUptimeString(strUptimeWiFi, homie.GetUptimeSeconds_WiFi()); String strUptimeMQTT; LeifSecondsToUptimeString(strUptimeMQTT, homie.GetUptimeSeconds_MQTT()); //print a status message to the serial console and the telnet console. //you can disable the serial console by compiling with NO_SERIAL_DEBUG csprintf("Uptime=%s WiFi=%s MQTT=%s HeapFree=%u WiFi: %i\n", strUptime.c_str(), strUptimeWiFi.c_str(), strUptimeMQTT.c_str(), ESP.getFreeHeap(), WiFi.RSSI()); //publish something outside of the homie tree, too if (homie.IsConnected()) { String strTopic; strTopic = "mcu/"; strTopic += GetHostName(); strTopic += "/uptime"; homie.PublishDirect(strTopic, 2, false, strUptime); } } }
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